Take away the added stress and expensive repair bills with Right Car extended car warranty, ensuring you peace of mind motoring.

Right Car extended car warranty ensures that when you buy a used car with us, you're covered on all labour costs, plus an extensive range of parts. During the agreed warranty period, there are no limits to how many times you can claim on your warranty, see below for t&cs*.
Our warranty helps to protect your vehicle against mechanical and electrical failures. As part of the agreement with Right Car warranty, you must maintain manufacturer's recommendations on your vehicle during the agreed warranty term, see below for t&cs^.
What is included with Right Car Extended Warranty?
Drive Axle: All internal parts that require lubrication, differential housing and cover if damaged by an internally lubricated part, front and rear wheel drive axle shafts and bearings, constant velocity joints, universal joints, drive shafts and yokes, centre support and bearings, hub bearings, four-wheel drive hub locking assemblies and actuator motors, electric vehicle power regeneration unit, seals and gaskets for listed parts.
Engine: All internal parts that require lubrication, cylinder block, cylinder heads, oil pan, valve covers and timing cover if damaged by an internally lubricated part, intake manifolds, exhaust manifolds without internal catalytic converter, water pump, fuel pump, supercharger / turbocharger and waste gate (factory installed), hybrid or electric drive motors / generator / regeneration motors, fuel cell.
Steering: Steering gear/rack (not excessive play), power steering pump and reservoir.
Electrical: Alternator, starter motor, power window switches and motors, heater fan motor and control panel, windscreen wiper motor and control switch, lights switches power adjuster motor, all electrical sensors, radio unit and satellite navigation control screen/panel.
Brakes: Master cylinder, vacuum assist booster.
Transmission & Transfer Case: All internal parts that require lubrication, transmission / transaxle case, transfer case body, transmission pan, extension housing and bell housing if damaged by an internally lubricated part, torque converter, flywheel / flexplate, ring gear, transmission mounts, reduction/reducer gear box, transmission electronic control unit, seals and gaskets for listed parts.
What isn't included with Right Car Extended Warranty?
Items damaged by improper use excluded.
No wear and tear items – inc wiring looms.
Where is your Right Car Extended Warranty valid?
With Right Car extended car warranty, for any repairs covered by our warranty during the agreed duration of your warranty term, will only be valid with any Right Car garage. If you need advice, please call your local Right Car dealership and speak to one of our trained service advisors, who will be able to assist you going forward.
Right Car Hull – 01482 343420
Right Car Beverley – 01482 887577
Right Car Grimsby – 01472 729729
Right Car Louth – 01507 608080
Warranty Conditions
- The Warranty Holder must follow the procedure under "How to Make a Claim" on their warranty information, in the event of a claim.
- *Right Car 3 Month Warranty = 3,000 Miles, £500 Limit. Once you exceed the limit, you will then have to pay for the remaining funds of repairs on your vehicle.
- *Right Car 12 Month Warranty = 12,000 Miles, £2,000 Limit. Once you exceed the limit, you will then have to pay for the remaining funds of repairs on your vehicle.
- Right Car reserves the right to inspect the Vehicle.
- Where an inspection of the vehicle is necessary to determine whether a claim is covered under warranty, the costs incurred in revealing such component for inspection, will be met by Right Car if the claim is covered under warranty. Otherwise, the cost of inspection must be borne by the warranty holder.
- The warranty commences on the delivery date of the vehicle, to the warranty holder, and is valid for the period shown on the warranty schedule.
- The warranty holder warrants that all information provided by the warranty holder to Right Car, whether in the warranty schedule or otherwise is accurate in all material respects.
- If the warranty holder makes a false claim, the warranty will immediately become void.
- The warranty holder must take all reasonable steps to prevent and minimise loss or damage to the vehicle and observe the terms of the warranty.
- ^The vehicle must be serviced by a Right Car centre. Services must be carried out in accordance with the vehicle manufacturer's recommendations and recommended service intervals must not be exceeded by more than 14 days or 500 miles. Whichever occurs first.
- Right Car will repair or replace covered components up to the claims limit. The warranty holder must pay for any proportion of the claim which exceeds the claims limit.
- Right Car is not liable for any claim arising as a result of, or indirectly caused or contributed to by, any of the events listed under the heading "Exclusions" in their warranty information.
- The warranty does not include emergency assistance cover. Please ask tor details of the emergency assistance packages offered by Right Car at additional cost.
- The warranty is not transferable to a third party including any subsequent owner of the Vehicle.
Warranty Exclusions
- Claims resulting from any modification to the vehicle, or the substitution of components by non-standard components or equipment fitted to the vehicle which is not approved by the vehicle manufacturer. In all cases after delivery of the vehicle to the warranty holder.
- Claims in circumstances where the mileometer has been altered or disconnected or is inoperative to the extent that it results in miss-representation of the vehicle's true mileage.
- Claims caused by or arising from:
- Overheating, corrosion or the gradual reduction in operating performance commensurate with the age and mileage covered by the Vehicle. This includes but is not limited to: (a) the gradual loss of engine compression necessitating the repair at valves or rings; and (b) gradual increase in oil consumption due to normal operating function.
- Wear and tear of a covered components. Including carbonised or pitted valves, consistent with its age and usage.
- The use of a grade or type of fuel not recommended by the vehicle manufacturer.
- Inadequate or improper anti-freeze protection.
- Servicing, maintenance or repair of the vehicle by a third party.
- Neglect, abuse or wilful damage.
- The subjecting of the Vehicle to a load greater than the maximum specified by the vehicle manufacturer.
- Fire, sell-ignition, lightning, earthquake, explosion, frost, storm flood, water damage, nuclear radiation, sonic boom, theft or attempted theft or vandalism.
- Any accident or collision.
- Any failure of a component due to non-compliance with the vehicle manufacturer's recommendations relating to servicing.
- Investigatory or remedial work carried out without Right Car's authorisation.
- The repair or replacement of any component or equipment which is not a covered component or (except where expressly covered by the warranty) fuel, chemicals, anti-freeze, hydraulic fluids, grease or oils required by the vehicle.
- Damage to covered components caused by parts or components not covered by the Warranty.
- Vehicles used:
- As taxis;
- As self drive hire vehicles.
- As driving school vehicles.
- For commercial purposes, or in any sort of competition or rally.